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Pandemic Policy

In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, we feel it is important to clarify that Dr. Bonnie Henry has confirmed and encouraged childcares to remain open, where possible, to serve families that are needing childcare. 

Wonder Years Daycare will continue to follow all updated protocols and procedures as outlined by the Health Authorities and CDC.

Given these important requirements, it is imperative that we are resolute in our health policy, and that all parents understand and agree to the following additional requirements: 


Illness and Attendance

Children may not attend Wonder Years Daycare if they exhibit any symptoms of respiratory illness or fever. There are no exceptions to this illness policy.

Individuals residing in the household with any child attending Wonder Years Daycare are to be taking all precautions possible to limit their exposure to COVID-19. 

In addition, families are advised to keep their child at home or to seek alternate care arrangements for the following conditions:

  • Pain – any complaints of unexplained or undiagnosed pain
  • A common cold with listlessness, runny nose and eyes, coughing and sore throat.
  • Difficulty in breathing – wheezing or a persistent cough
  • Fever (100 degrees F/38.3 degrees C or more)
  • Sore throat or trouble swallowing
  • Infected skin or eyes, or an undiagnosed rash
  • Headache and stiff neck (should see physician)
  • Unexplained diarrhea or loose stool (may or may not be combined with nausea, vomiting or stomach cramps). These symptoms may indicate a bacterial or viral gastrointestinal infection which is very easily passed from one child to another via the fecal-oral route. The child should be kept home until all symptoms have stopped
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe itching, dry skin of either body or scalp if caused by head or body lice or scabies; or
  • Children with known or suspected communicable diseases. A doctor’s note may be required before the child can return.

In Summary, a child must be kept at home (or taken home), and remain at home for 24 hours after symptoms subside, when the child is suffering from one or more of the above symptoms; or is not well enough to take part in the regular parts of the program.

Ultimately, the care of a child who is ill is the parent’s responsibility and fees will not be refunded because a child is absent due to illness.

If your child becomes ill at child care, we will call you or your alternate to come and pick up the child. Child must be picked up within half an hour of you being called. We will endeavor to keep the child quiet and comfortable until you arrive. If we feel it is an emergency, we will call an ambulance for the child and contact you or your alternate immediately. If the staff are too ill to care for the children, or any children are contagious, the child care program will be closed. We will endeavor to give you as much notice as possible and you will not be charged for days where we can not provide care. It is your responsibility to make alternative child care arrangements.



To limit the flow of traffic into the facility parents are being asked to drop off their child at the door to a teacher. While outside in the yard, parents must maintain social distancing (2 meters) from staff and other children. If another child is being dropped off please maintain a safe distance and wait until the other family has said goodbyes and has left.


Child transition into the classroom

During your child’s transition into the classroom the teacher will assist in putting belongings in their cubby, changing shoes, and washing hands before the child enters into play.  

For the well-being of children, staff and families, open transparency and candor is required around all the above requirements. Although this may lead to some challenging conversations, staff and families need to acknowledge and respect their necessity and their intention of care during the pandemic.


We sincerely appreciate your compliance and understanding!


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